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Becoming an Editor

For me, as for many editors, the allure of words, language, and story has held a lifelong attraction. I habitually re-read passages I enjoy in a novel or other literary work, lingering over word combinations and ideas. Combine that with a hunger for learning about anything and everything, and a passion to draw people together in shared language and clear communication and the journey to becoming an editor makes sense.

My Story: About
Open Magazines


Training to Edit

I am a Linguist, a retired Ontario Certified Teacher, and a freelance editor with FriesenPress. However, my interest in writing goes way back. In high school, I took all the writing and literature courses possible, including SciFi/Fantasy and British literature—the days spent in obligatory grammar lessons were heaven for me. I have enjoyed classes in writing from community college and through correspondence, spent years selling (often buying) Usborne children’s books, and homeschooling my children using a literature/history/science-saturated curriculum. Years of teaching French in the classroom further fed my desire to pass on the gift of language in story and song.

My Story: About
Black and White Star in Circle

Meet Literally Perfect Editing


Altogether, my Linguistics and Education degrees and my certification as a teacher of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) have strengthened and added to my knowledge base and understanding of English grammar and usage. Throughout my years in university, I have taken a plethora of both linguistics and literature courses. Here is a selection of my favourites:

  • Approaches to English Grammar

  • Fundamentals of Grammatical Analysis

  • Language, Power, and Persuasion

  • Syntax

  • Writing Systems

  • Psycholinguistics

  • Second Language Learning

  • Grammatical Theories

  • Linguistic History of English

  • Modes of Fantasy

  • Tragic Muse: The Legend of Troy

  • Literary Text: Genres and Approaches

Formal Education:

  • Bachelor of Arts, Specialized Honours Linguistics, York University

  • Bachelor of Education, Primary and Junior Divisions, York University

  • Additional Qualifications:

  • French as a Second Language, Part 1, York University

  • Special Education, Part 1, Trent University

  • Principal Certification, Parts 1-3, Association of Christian Schools International

  • Teaching English as a Second Language Certification, University of Toronto

Editing-focused courses, webinars, workshops, conferences:

  • Developmental Editing (Jennifer Lawler); Bookmapping. Both from Editorial Freelancers Association.

  • Professional Editorial Standards; Web writing for the Government of Canada. Both from Editors Canada.

  • Copyediting Bootcamp and Proofreading Bootcamp, Inklyo

  • Editors Canada Annual Conference, Ottawa, Ontario                             

As a member in good standing with the following associations, I have connections with numerous writers’ and editors’ groups.:

Volunteer Experience

My Story: About



I am Catherine Rupke. My off hours are filled with family, food, films, fiber arts, frolicking, and information. Minus the over-alliteration, we enjoy each other’s company as a family (husband and three children), cooking, baking, and eating together; watching movies (often as I knit, crochet, or tat); we hike and enjoy a good geocache on our frequent road trips complete with audiobooks to fill the miles, in addition to all the graduate level lectures we can get our hands on (often on topics of science, as well as new perspectives in theology). Language study continues to interest me: French, German, Latin, Scottish Gaelic, Danish, and Koine Greek are languages I have studied so far. Over the years, I have tried my hand at many other pastimes—fencing, pottery, writing, singing, gardening, Nordic skiing, climbing, baking pizza in our homemade cob oven…as of late, I have developed a passion for learning to play the piano.

My Story: About Me
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